
Posts Tagged ‘sugar free biscuits’

These biscuits are simply a slightly altered version of the original whole-wheat biscuit recipe that I posted a few months ago. Instead of using regular milk you use buttermilk and also add some cheese. It is that simple. And delicious I might add. These biscuits also freeze very nicely in a big zip lock bag so you can pull them out one by one and defrost as needed. (more…)

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There are so many reasons why I love these biscuits. First of all, they are super easy to make and no special equipment (like a rolling pin or biscuit cutter) is needed. It takes no more than 15 or 20 minutes to make them from mixing the dough to pulling them out of the oven. Then once they are done they are moist and flaky and so tasty (c’mon, look at the picture – you know you want one!). And the best part is that they freeze and reheat beautifully (I just throw the frozen biscuits in the toaster oven on the bake setting). So make a big batch, freeze a bunch in a gallon zip lock freezer bag, and then the next time you want to add a biscuit to your breakfast, lunch or dinner they are ready to go. It honestly couldn’t be easier…so go ahead and throw away that refrigerated tube of dough you bought from the grocery store! (more…)

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